How to backup your mysql database

To backup your database, log into the siteutil panel, (, select the 'mysql databases' option.  click on the 'database' link.  click on the 'mysql database manager' button.  This will open up the phpMyAdmin database manager.  Enter the username/password combination for accessing your database.  

Once logged in perform the following steps

  1. Begin by clicking database in your phpMyAdmin panel.  (It may not be necessary to do this, depending on your version of PhpMyAdmin). 
  2. Select the database that holds your WordPress data, the database you created when you installed WordPress.
  3. Click 'Export'. 
  4. Select all the tables, and check the SQL radio button. 
  5. Check the 'Add Drop Table' box.
  6. Check the 'Add If Not Exists' box.
  7. check the 'Save as file' box.
  8. Check 'None' for compression.  If your database is very large, use a compression method.
  9. Click 'go'.  You will be prompted to either open the file or 'save as' which will allow you to select a folder on your local computer.  The data will now be saved onto your computer.
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