Mailing List Instructions

Each shared hosting account allows for a specified amount of mailing lists at no additional cost to you. Additional lists are chargeable at a one time setup fee of $25.00 and a monthly fee of $15.00. Each list can contain up to2500 recipients. 

To set up your list, log into the SiteUtil Control Panel at and select Mail Lists from the menu. Click "Add New Mail List". Choose the name that will be used for your mailing list, e.g. * newsletter. This means your new mailing list will be NEWSLETTER@MYDOMAIN.COM.* Then choose your domain name (this option is available for accounts with multiple domain names). 

Specify the administrative email address or addresses. (moderator)  This address will have the ability to send messages to the mailing list as well as the ability to add/remove email addresses from the mailing list. 
The mailing list will also need to have a designated email address that will receive the non-delivery reports. 

Under the Allow Posting section you will need to choose Moderators Only or Moderators and Members. This option designates who is allowed to send emails to everyone on the mailing list. 

If you would like to control when users join or unsubscribe from your list, you will need to check the respective boxes. And if you would like to be notified when each user joins the list or unsubscribes, you will need to click the boxes in the corresponding section. 

Once you click OK to complete the creation of the list you will be taken back to the main screen and can then add recipients to the list under the Email Address section . You can add multiple email addresses by copying and pasting a list from a text file. You may want to start by entering a few of your own email addresses to test the list and see how it works. 

Emails sent to your mailing list can either be in HTML or plain text.  

(* - Replace newsletter with the name of your mailing list; Replace with the name of your domain;) 

For a user to subscribe or unsubscribe individually they would need to send an email to: 

The email MUST come from the email address that they wanted added/removed.  Include SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject or message body.
So if your list name is and I wanted to join your list I would need to send an email from to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. 
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