Redirecting URLs with ASP

Take the old-page.asp that is being renamed or moved and remove all of the code. Place the below code in place of the old HTML/XHMTL.

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Status="301 Moved Permanently" 
Response.AddHeader "Location", "/new-page.asp"

In the above 301 redirect example, you need to change the Location to the URI of your new-page.asp. Include the full URI path unless you are redirecting to a root level page (index.asp, default.asp, etc.). If you are setting up a 301 redirect for a root level page, keep the URI short and without the index.asp file name. For example...

"Location", "/sub-directory/"

In reference to spidering entities (crawlers, robots, spiders), the ASP code above will send a server header response of 301 Moved Permanently and, is instructing the spiders to update their index and replace the old URI (old-page.asp) with the new URI (new-page.asp). This could take several months before results are final.

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