How do I configure my dialup connection (Windows 2000)?

Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your modem is operating properly. If you are using an external modem make sure it is properly connected to your PC. Check the owner's manual if you are not sure.

  2. In Windows 2000 click the Start button, then click Control Panel.

  3. From the Control Panel click Network and Dial-up Connections.

  4. From the Network and Dial-up Connections window click Make New Connection. This starts the Network Connection Wizard that will guide you through the process.

  5. In the New Connection Wizard, click Next to skip the Welcome panel.

  6. From the Network Connection Type panel select Dial-up to the Internet and click Next.

  7. From the Internet Connection Wizard select I want to set up my Internet connection manually, or I want to connect through a local area network (LAN). Click Next.

  8. From the Setting up your Internet connection panel select I connect through a phone line and a modem. Click Next.

  9. From the Step 1 of 3: Internet account connection information panel enter the local access phone number supplied by Host Depot for your area. Click Next.

  10. From the Step 2 of 3: Internet account logon information panel enter the User Name and Password you selected when you signed up for dial-up service with Host Depot.

  11. From the Step 3 of 3: Configuring your computer panel enter a name for this connection, such as Host Depot.

  12. From the Set Up Your Internet Mail Account panel select No. E-mail can be configured later.

  13. From the Completing the Internet Connection Wizard click Finish. Your connection is now ready and should appear in the Network and Dial-up Connections window under the name entered in step 11.

  14. To use this connection double-click the connection name (from step 11) in the Network and Dial-up Connections window. To make changes to the connection right-click on the connection name in the Network and Dial-up Connections window of the Control Panel and click Properties.

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