How do I setup Microsoft Outlook 2000 to read my e-mail?

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Start Menu -> select Programs -> Look for Microsoft Outlook 2000.
  2. Open Microsoft Outlook 2000.
  3. Click on the Tools menu.
  4. From the drop-down menu select Accounts.
  5. The Internet Accounts window will open.
  6. Click on the Mail tab.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Select Mail from the drop-down menu.
  9. The Internet Connection Wizard will open.



  10. Enter your name as you would like for it to appear in the From field of outgoing messages.
  11. Click Next.


  12. In the E-mail address field, enter your complete Host Depot e-mail address. For example,
  13. Click Next.


  14. Select POP3 from the drop down box.
  15. In the Incoming mail server enter .
  16. In the Outgoing mail server enter .
  17. Click Next.


  18. Enter your account name

    Hint: It is your e-mail address.
  19. Enter your e-mail password. You will not see your password. Asterisks (*) will appear for each character entered.
  20. Click Next.


  21. You will now need to select the method you will use to connect to the Internet.
  22. Click on the radio button next to Connect using my local area network (LAN).
  23. Click Next.
  24. Click Finish.


  25. Then click the Properties button under Internet Accounts.


  26. Select the Servers tab.
  27. Check the box next to "My Server Requires Authentication".
  28. Click OK.


  29. Click Close on the Internet Accounts window.
  30. You are now ready to send and receive e-mail messages.
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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