How do I publish my web content using Visual Interdev 6.0?

To manage your web site with Visual InterDev 6.0, follow these steps:

  1. If you are using a modem to gain access to the Internet, open a connection before you continue to step 2.

  2. Open Visual InterDev 6.0.

  3. The New Project dialog will appear after Visual InterDev loads. Click the New tab and select Visual InterDev Projects in the left window box below the tabs. Click New Web Project in the right window. In the Name:field, enter a name for your new web project. Click the Open button.

  4. The Web Project Wizard -- Step 1 of 4 dialog appears. In the What server do you want to use? field, enter your IP address. Make sure the Connect using Secure Sockets Layer box is not checked. Select theMaster mode radio button. Click the Next > button.

  5. The Web Project Wizard -- Step 2 of 4 dialog appears. Select the Connect to an existing Web application on your IP address radio button. In the Name: drop-down list box, select <Root Web>. Click the Finishbutton.

  6. Depending on the current state of your connection, you may or may not be prompted with the Name and Password Required dialog. If so, enter your user ID in the User name: field and your password in thePassword: field, and click the OK button.

  7. After a pause for authentication, the Creating Project File... dialog will appear as Visual InterDev communicates with your web server to create the local project.

  8. Depending on the configuration of your software, you may or may not be prompted with a dialog displaying the following message:

    The Visual InterDev Library is not installed on the existing web. The Script Library is required for developers who work with Design Time Controls. It is recommended that this library be installed. Install the script library?

    Click No to continue.

  9. After further processing, the Project Explorer will open with the file structure of your web site and you are ready to begin developing your site. When you add a new page or save changes to existing pages in your Visual InterDev project, the changes will appear immediately on the Internet.
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