For Outlook use the following instructions:
- Click on Start, Go to Settings, Select the Control Panel.
- Double click the Mail icon.
- Click Show profiles button, select mail account click properties.
- One Services tab select Internet mail or the name of the email account click Properties.
- On the Servers tab at the bottom select 'My Server Requires Authentication'.
- Click on Settings button.
- Select Logon Using.
- In Account name enter your userid and password.
- Click Ok.
- Continue to click ok until all windows are closed.
For Outlook Express use the following instructions:
- Run Outlook Express.
- On the menubar click on Tools then select Accounts.
- Click on the Mail Tab.
- Select the email profile and click Properties.
- In the Properties dialog box select the Servers tab.
- Under outgoing mail server select 'My Server Requires Authentication'.
- Click on the Settings button.
- Select Log on using.
- Enter your userid in the Account Name field and enter password in the password field.
- Click Ok.
- Click Ok again.
- Click close.