I can receive mail but I can't send mail through my mail account.

I can receive mail but I can't send mail through my mail account.

The problem may be with your ISP. Some ISPs block outbound email on port 25. These include but are not limited to:

  • AT&T
  • Bellsouth
  • CableOne
  • Charter
  • Comcast
  • Cox
  • Earthlink (MindSpring)
  • Flashnet
  • MediaOne/Roadrunner
  • MSN
  • NetZero
  • People PC
  • Sprynet
  • Sympatico.ca
  • Verizon
They are not allowing outgoing (SMTP) mail through any server but their own.

To fix this problem, in your mail configuration, simply replace our mailserver information with your ISPs. Example: Your outgoing (SMTP) mail server may be smtp.hostdepot.com, remove this and replace it with your ISPs SMTP mail server address. Leave the POP3 server information and other email account information the same.

If you continue to have problems please send contact Technical Support. Please reference your name, domain name and the name of the email account you are having problems with.

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