About AspMail
AspMail allows you to send mail using the standard SMTP protocol from any program that can use ActiveX/OLE components. Features include:
- SMTP (sending) Messages
- Multiple File Attachments
- File attachments support MIME and UUEncoding
- US Ascii and ISO-8859-1 character sets
- Subject line encoding for 8bit message subjects
- Redundant SMTP servers (If the primary SMTP server is down, the secondary server is used)
- Special Header Support (Standard X-Priority headers, MS Mail (including Exchange) priority headers, Urgent header, ConfirmReading and ReturnReceipt Headers)
- Multiple concurrent users (Tested with 15 concurrent connections)
Simple Mail Example
Using the component is as simple as
- Creating the object
- Setting a few properties
- Calling the SendMail method
The following code demonstrates how to use AspMail from VBScript. In this example Joe from Joe’s Widgets wishes to send an email to John Smith. Joe’s mail server is located at mailhost.localisp.net.
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") Mailer.FromName = "Joe’s Widgets Corp." Mailer.FromAddress= "Joe@somehost.com" Mailer.RemoteHost = "mailhost.localisp.net" Mailer.AddRecipient "John Smith", "jsmith@anotherhostname.com" Mailer.Subject = "Great SMTP Product!" Mailer.BodyText = "Dear Stephen" & VbCrLf & "Your widgets order has been processed!" if Mailer.SendMail then Response.Write "Mail sent..." else Response.Write "Mail send failure. Error was " & Mailer.Response end if
By testing the result of the SendMail method we can determine if the mailing process was successful or not.
Form Handling
All or partial input for a message may come from a form. For example, a form posted to the server with a request method of GET (i.e. form action="/scripts/AspMail.asp" method=get ) may provide the message recipient’s email address, subject and message text as follows:
Mailer.AddRecipient Request.QueryString("ToName"), Request.QueryString "ToAddress") Mailer.Subject = Request.QueryString("Subject") Mailer.BodyText = Request.QueryString("MsgBody")
The form may also use the POST method (i.e. form action="/scripts/AspMail.asp" method=post ) in which case the code would look as follows:
Mailer.AddRecipient Request.Form("ToName"), Request.Form("ToAddress") Mailer.Subject = Request.Form ("Subject") Mailer.BodyText = Request.Form ("MsgBody")
You can use any mixture of static and dynamic data in setting the components properties as dictated by your needs. For example, you may wish to send the mail to a single user. In this case you could modify the code to look something like this:
Mailer.AddRecipient "John Smith", "jsmith@alocalhost.com" Mailer.Subject = Request.QueryString("Subject") Mailer.BodyText = Request.QueryString("MsgBody")
Generic Form Handling
In some cases users may wish to use a number of different forms to send email with the same block of code. ASP allows you to loop through each QueryString or Form variable and append each one to string variable which is then assigned to the BodyText property. Please note: AspMail cannot control the order that these variables are returned in. This is a function of ASP, not AspMail. ASP takes the form variables and creates the appropriate Request collection (QueryString or Form) and stores the data in an order that AspMail cannot change. If you use this method you must accept ASP's order.
strMsgHeader = "Form information follows" & vbCrLf for each qryItem in Request.QueryString strMsgInfo = strMsgInfo & qryItem & " - " & request.querystring(qryItem) & vbCrLf next strMsgFooter = vbCrLf & "End of form information" Mailer.BodyText = strMsgHeader & strMsgInfo & strMsgFooter
Setting Mail Priority
There are a couple of headers that can be modified to set message priority.
The Priority property sets the message priority on a scale of 1 to 5. A priority of 1 means HIGH. A priority of 3 means NORMAL and a priority of 5 means LOW. In addition to this you can also set the Urgent property if the message status is urgent. The Urgent property is a true/false property.
How to Use the DateTime Property
The component creates a Date/Time value for the message based on the calculated GMT time. The DateTime property was added to allow users to set a custom date/time timezone. The following code demonstrates how to set the DateTime to US Central Standard Time. By slightly altering the code you can adjust this to work for your own timezone.
function DayName (intDay) select case intDay case 1 DayName = "Sun" case 2 DayName = "Mon" case 3 DayName = "Tue" case 4 DayName = "Wed" case 5 DayName = "Thu" case 6 DayName = "Fri" case 7 DayName = "Sat" end select end function function MonthName (intMonth) select case intMonth case 1 MonthName = "Jan" case 2 MonthName = "Feb" case 3 MonthName = "Mar" case 4 MonthName = "Apr" case 5 MonthName = "May" case 6 MonthName = "Jun" case 7 MonthName = "Jul" case 8 MonthName = "Aug" case 9 MonthName = "Sep" case 10 MonthName = "Oct" case 11 MonthName = "Nov" case 12 MonthName = "Dec" end select end function [set other Mailer properties] Mailer.DateTime = DayName (WeekDay(Date)) & ", " & Day(Date) & " " & MonthName(Month(Date)) & " " & Year(Date) & " " & FormatDateTime(Now, 4) & " -0600 (CST)" Mailer.SendMail
Notes About Creating the Mailer Object
You can create the mailer object at two different points in time:
- Immediately before sending an email
- At the session scope and saved as a session object
You will have to decide when and where it is appropriate to create the object based on your particular application. If you aren't sure which way to create the object reference, or for typical usage, you should create the object immediately before sending your email. Your code would look like this:
Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") ... [Set properties] if Mailer.SendMail then ...
Creating these local references, as demonstrated above, allow you to use the object on multiple application threads at the same time.
To create an object reference at the session level, your code might look something like this:
if Not IsObject (session("Mailer")) then Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") Set session("Mailer") = Mailer else Response.write "Cached session object reference being used
" Set Mailer = session("Mailer") end if
Multiple Host Support
AspMail provides one host property to set up remote SMTP server addresses. The RemoteHost property should be set to your primary and secondary server’s address seperated by semicolons. In the event that the primaryserver is down, AspMail will attempt to use the secondary server. For example,
Mailer.RemoteHost = "mailhost.localisp.com;mailhost.anotherisp.com"
Questions about AspMail
See http://www.serverobjects.com for more detail on troubleshooting and component properties.