When I display one of my web pages, I receive the error "HTTP 500 - Internal server error".

You receive an error page similar to the following when accessing one or more of your web pages:

This error is a generic error displayed when some part of your web page or Active Server Page has an error. By default, Microsoft Internet Explorer displays this "friendly" error to your users. However, this error does not provide any detailed information while you are debugging your web site.

You can display the real underlying error by adjusting the settings in Internet Explorer.

From Internet Explorer, click the Tools menu. Then click Internet Options... The Internet Options dialog will appear. Click the Advanced tab at the top of the dialog box. Use the up/down arrows to find the Browsing settings section and find the check box labeled "Show friendly HTTP error messages". Uncheck this check box and click the OK button as shown in the image below:

After modifying this setting, refresh the page which was causing the error. A more detailed message about the nature of the problem will be displayed to help you troubleshoot your web page. The following image is an example of an ASP error as displayed with "Show friendly HTTP error messages" turned off (your web page will display a different error):

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